Rolling Stone Magazine #877 September 13, 2001 Britney Spears Little Girl 9z

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Rolling Stone Magazine #877 September 13, 2001 Britney Spears Don't Treat Me Like a Little Girl

NOTE:  This magazine came out about a week or two ahead of the cover date, just a FEW days before 9/11/01.

Get your hands on this rare issue of Rolling Stone Magazine, featuring the pop icon Britney Spears, published by Straight Arrow in September 2001. The biweekly publication is filled with interesting articles on pop culture and music, making it a must-have for any music enthusiast. The magazine is in mint condition and without any labels. It was published in English and has a publication frequency of biweekly. The issue number is 877, and it covers the month of September in the year 2001. If you're a collector or a fan, don't miss out on this opportunity to own a piece of pop culture history.

This magazine is brand-new, as subscription copy with the original label on the cover (name has been blocked out in the photo for this listing).

We found a couple of these that have been sitting in a drawer for over 23 years.  They were never even leafed through.   Since they were in the dark in a drawer for all these years, the color on them is as vibrant as they day they came out, with no sun fading of color.   We have just two of these left and the photo is of one of them.  They are both in identical brand-new shape.