Papernet Hy Tech Towel Dispenser, 9.1 x 9.4 x 12.2, Black 410891 Centrefeed 20z

Papernet Hy Tech Hytech Centrefeed Centerfeed Dispenser

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Papernet Hytech Superior Handtowel Centrefeed Dispenser Black #410891

The Hy Tech Antibacterial line is enriched with silver ions that protect the dispenser from germs and pathogenic agents. Upon contact with bacteria, the silver ions eliminate them in just a few minutes. Made of highly resistant plastic materialthat helps it last over time and reduces maintenance costs.Thanks to its compact shape, the large surfaces and roundedcorners, it is easy to clean. Created by a renowned Italian product designer, StefanoGiovannoni, Hy Tech with its minimal and elegant designmakes every environment refined and precious. Lock and key to prevent pilferage. Towels Dispensers Type: Center Pull Roll Towel Dispenser; Capacity (text): One Roll; Material(s): ABS Plastic; Color(s): Black.

  • Enriched with silver ions thatprotect the dispenser from germs and pathogenic agents.

  • Made of highly resistant, durable plastic material.

  • Minimal and elegant designmakes every environment refined and precious.

  • Lock and key to prevent pilferage.

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