21 Piece Water Saving Kit - Private Home Version - LOOK at all that you get! This kit more than pays for itself, with your savings on your water bill!
Don't forget to see the photos for all the great hardware you get to install in your home. The kit includes ALL of the following:
-1 Massager Type shower head (round shape)
-1 Non-Massaging, Solid-water stream showerhead (elongated shape)
-1 Swivel aerator for kitchen sink
-2 Bathroom aerators
(2) Toilet diplacement bags (toilet tank banks)
-1 "early closure" replacement toilet flapper
-1 toilet fill line diverter (AquaSaver)
-2 Dye tablets for detecting toilet leaks
-1 Plastic bag for measuring shower flow rate
-1 drip vial for measuring leaks
-1 "Do-It-Yourself Water Audit" Instructions
-1 Installation Instructions for faucet aerators, showerheads, early closure toilet flapper, toilet displacement bag and leak detection tablets.
-1 Installation Instructions for toilet fill-line diverter (AquaSaver)
-1 Do's and Don'ts brochure
- 1 card with frequently used phone numbers for NYC residents
- 1 how to read your water meter flyer
- 1 customer survey card (after you are done with the kit)
-1 "Residential Water Use - Leaks and their cost" flyer